The Northern Westchester Putnam Teacher Center is funded by the NYS legislature under Education Law 316 that calls for the provision of systematic, ongoing professional education services to NYS teachers. A Policy Board composed of 51% teachers as well as representation from higher education, school boards, parents, administration and business professionals governs the Center. The requirement that teachers comprise the majority of the board reflects the founding principle behind teacher centers which is “teachers teaching teachers.”
New York State Teacher Centers were established in 1984, thanks to the lobbying efforts of NYSUT, and are the largest professional learning communities in NYS with approximately 125 Centers located throughout the state. While each Center has its own unique characteristics, all of them recognize that professional growth is integral to teachers’ work.
Each school year, the Putnam Northern Westchester center receives state funding to support the professional development needs of the teachers in our consortium. Since our funding is through a state appropriation that requires annual legislative approval, each year Teacher Centers must submit a Continuation Application to the NYSED to request continued funding. The NYSED is the administrator of the grant and oversees disbursement of teacher center funds.